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New Medication

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vernonk | 14:44 Sun 17th Mar 2013 | Body & Soul
6 Answers
If you are prescribed new medication and, the first time you take it, you get an upset stomach and generally don't feel good, do you stop taking that medication and go see your doc about an alternative, or do you persevere and see how it goes over subsequent days?


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what does the information that came with the medicine say?
Personally speaking I'd persevere for a few doses at least. Could be coincidence. But if it persists then go back and tell the GP.
I had this trouble with a medicine and they can change it to gastro-resistant
I used to persevere till I spent the whole of one bank holiday throwing i get straight back to the doc.
Depends upon the " medicine".....what is it?
It depends on the medication. I take tramadol (100mg 4 times a day) and have been on them for several years, they still occasionally make me feel queasy if I take them on an empty stomach. I find the benefits far outweigh the down sides though so I keep taking them.

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