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Just want to rant I'm so fed up with this knee of mine...

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merciasounds | 12:27 Sat 16th Jul 2011 | Body & Soul
41 Answers
If I exercise too much, it swells up. If I don't exercise it enough, it swells up. If I stand on it too long, it aches, and if I sit too long, it goes stiff and feels really tight. And when I lie in bed, it does all fizzing three at once and I can't sleep! I just knew when they were wheeling me down to the operating theatre it was a bad idea, I wish to goodness I'd never had it done now, I could cope with a little 'back ground pain' if you know what I mean, you can feel it, you know it's there but you can forget it once in a while - but this is constant and it's really getting me down as it's affecting my life. Can't walk my dogs, can't go into the garden ( I have done, but not since hubby's been home) not allowed to drive yet, the freezers are practically full from all the cooking and baking I've been doing.


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awww poor you Mercia, cheer up love it's not forever :-)
well perhaps you shouldn't have discharged yourself then?
have you tried ice by the way? only for 20 mins at a time - it'll help the swelling. Also sounds like you need a medication (pain killer) review
it takes quite a long time for these things to heal - I do know of a few ladies who have their knees done - keep your oul chin up. you will get there - take a few painkillers and maybe some expensive rubs - some rub called dont remember the full name - that is it Bio-freeze - good for cooling down your knee.
I felt like that when I first had an op on my hip in feb. Now I feel much better. It takes a while to feel the benefit I think.
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I've just been back through my diaries and counted - because of my accident, I've had 3 ops on my left hip, 2 on the right, 3 on my right ankle, 5 on my pelvis, 2 on my right knee and 1 on my left 2 on my lower back and 1 on my collar bone - that's enough for one lifetime isn't it!
having a "woe is me" attitude won't help the pain you have now, i'm afraid. What painkillers are you taking ow?
:o( thats alot mercia xx
What kind of accident did you have Mercia?
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the only painkillers I can take is paracetamol. Believe me when I say I've tried all the others, and they either didn't work or they caused an allergic reaction
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My car was shunted from behind under a jack-knifed lorry. When my car hit the lorry it shed it's load and crushed my car. I was very VERY lucky not to be decapitated or crushed to death
are you taking the paracetamol regularly?
That sounds really frightening. I bet you were scared half to death.
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2 x 500mg at 6 hourly intervals, so 8 a day

Don't remember much! I remember a supernatural experience, 'something' pushed me down from the drivers seat into the footwell of the passengers side, if 'it' hadn't, my head would have been ripped off with the roof.
Crumbs mercia, I didn't know that, it sounds a hell of a scary experience.... I hope the third party's insurance company is compensating you properly for all this "repair work".
OMG, what an awful experience to have. I guess something/someone was watching over you. I hope you soon start to feel better.
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I had to give up a very lucrative catering business of course, I was in hospital for 9 weeks short of two years, they didn't think I'd walk again, but I was determined. I shouldn' let things get to me, I know I'm very lucky, it's just I'm tired, I'm missing my doggies as they're down on the farm in Devon because I can't walk the distance they need for exercise at the moment
Bless you mercia - missing the 4-legs must make it very hard for you :(
btw - rants are out now - you are sucking lemons, ok? ☺
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I'm okay ttfn - I'll go make us some good coffee!
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Just want to rant I'm so fed up with this knee of mine...

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