Hope this is ok to ask here, for 2 days now i have had stabbing pains down below when i sit down or bend down to get something, worse when i go to the toilet, it also feels as if something is bearing down, hard to describe really
i have had the mirena coil for roughly 4 years with no probs, could this be what is causing the pain? im also coguhing a lot lately, had the cold recently
Suggest you get yourself to the GP asap. Depending on your age, or whether you have lifted something that was too heavy, it could be a pulled muscle. Whatever is causing you pain as you describe, it needs a professional answer. Good luck.
i used to work with a girl who had one of those which had been in for as long as you have had yours and she was getting pain.....it actually came out on its own when she went to the toilet....also arnt they usually only meant to stay in for 5 yrs ?....i would go and get checked out maybe it needs replacing