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How Come I Am So Absolutely Tired.

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cassa333 | 11:32 Thu 08th Jun 2017 | Health & Fitness
3 Answers
I have always been a poor nighttime sleeper but can function perfectly on little or no sleep for days at a time and able to catch up, as it were, on a few good nights of sleep and a lie in at the weekends. Not problem for me.

Since I had an iron infusion and now on B12 injections if I have a good nights sleep I am absolutely dog tired and feel woozy all day. As I sit here writing this my head feels like it just wants to droop and faint away.

I never understood people when they said it takes an age and a cup of coffee to wake up but that is exactly how I feel.

Why do the iron and B12 make me so much worse than I was?


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Sorry to hear that Cassa, I am like that in the last 2 weeks of my B12 cycle I find it really hard to function despite sleeping for the UK.
How long ago was your B12 jab and when is the next one due?
You should highlight this tiredness to your GP you may still be deficient and need top ups.

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How Come I Am So Absolutely Tired.

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