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Asthma/ Nebuliser

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Spreeny | 14:12 Fri 20th Feb 2015 | Health & Fitness
2 Answers
I suffer from asthma & use flixotide and ventolin inhalers but the last few weeks I've had a problem sleeping because of coughing at night. Would a nebuliser/steam inhalation help before bedtime? Tia


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You could try...........but I wouldn't.
Steam often makes a cough worse in asthmatics.

Go to the chemist and try Benylin which you could take last thing at night.

Remember the saying " all that glitters is not gold AND all that wheezes is not asthma"............if it continues for more than a month......see your GP.
I was asthmatic as a child (ages 7- about 14)
From memory I was only ever put on a nebuliser when I had an attack and had a day or two in hospital which happened twice in 7 years. Once stabilised it wasn't recommended to home nebulise, just up the ventolin as required and Flixotide daily

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Asthma/ Nebuliser

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