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Rash (Again)

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Eve | 20:14 Tue 23rd Jul 2013 | Health & Fitness
16 Answers
I know dermatology isn't your speciality but wondered if you or anyone has any ideas. It's down top/body side of my right forearm (not the one I damaged the other week). Little red spots with tiny clear bubble like things on top.

Saw a GP earlier (shingles check due to methotrexate). They called me in and said they don't think shingles, can't be 100% sure but not typical (thank goodness!) especially as on my arm but said to monitor it.

Will see if I can get a piccie up.

I think my skin just hates me!


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Shingles comes to mind initially, but an odd site.........other viruses can produce a similar picture.
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That's what the GP said, not usual on an arm, didn't say what else they thought it could be and I was too busy hoping it isn't shingles.

My phone is playing silly beggars and won't let me get a photo sent.

Thanks Sqad, fingers crossed it's not the Shingles virus.
In cases like this this - suspected shingles in someone on immunosuppressive drugs - the only way to be 100% sure of the diagnosis is to take a sample of the blister fluid and test for the virus. There are a variety of ways of doing this; if your GP liaises with the local microbiologist, they should be able to advise.

So fingers crossed indeed...
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Thanks Slaney, well it hasn't spread and doesn't seem to have got any worse thank goodness. He showed me some pictures and what things to look out for in case it did turn out to be shingles.

I'm hoping that it is an indication it isn't likely to be shingles as when I went with a rash which apparently looked like chickenpox I was at the doctors for an hour before being sent to A&E and had the quickest admission ever! Was put on an antiviral drip and then tablets and they kept me in a couple of nights until they had my blood result back confirming I had immunity to chickenpox!

If I'm right though, you can only get shingles if you have had chickenpox (badly when I was young) as the virus reactivates (or something like that!)?

I've still not actually found out what can happen if you do have chickenpox or shingles while immunocompromised, is it just more likely you get a more severe form of it?
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It's not itchy, more a bit tingly/burning feeling down my arm on and off but when I googled images this is quite close to what it looks like but more spots (even though I think it's a baby/child's arm in the photo). It's not a large spread out area, on the top over to the body side of my arm.

Randomly though, if anything my other arm has been hotter as I've had it tubigripped up as I bashed it when I fell the other week.

It's markedly raised (the little bobbly spots, not the whole area) and quite irritable if I touch it.
do you sleep on the same side as the rash?
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No, I've trained myself to sleep on my back it helps me keep straighter to reduce pain, be able to sleep better a bit propped up (acid issues) and raise my feet when I need to etc...

I'm a cool freak so always have windows open and have a humidifier on at night so I'm nice and cool to get to sleep. I usually only sleep under a light throw too. I hate being too warm.

darn, that theory goes out the window then :-(
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Aww, it was a good suggestion though, I'm grateful for you taking the time to post x
A related thread under this one titled Sun Rash mentions PLE. I'd never heard of it, and this link doesn't give a picture of it but it might be worth a look.

The general advice re. shingles being announced by an itchy rash is a bit misleading. I am shingly at the moment. This began with back ache and really bad hip-knee pain, which made me think initially I was experiencing referred pain from a trapped nerve. But I realise retrospectively twas the shingles starting.
I got increasingly angry sprinkles of blisters which sealed the diagnosis. But the pain is very distinctive, and agonising, making it possible to map the layout of the nerves.
Hi Eve - yes chickenpox/shingles can be more severe when on drugs such as Methotrexate, which is why you were put on an anti-viral drip when they suspected chickenpox. Hopefully the fact that you had some detectable antibodies then will help - it all depends on the level. Again the local microbiologist will be able to advise.

@ Mosiac - sorry to hear you have a nasty attack. The pain classically is present for 2/3 days before the eruption of the rash, but can be longer. It can be severe and it is not unknown for it to be misdiagnosed as other conditions such as kidney stones, gall bladder disease etc. It is "The Great Imitator"
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Thanks all for the advice. It's still there though slightly less raised and some seem to have got tiny scabs over them or more white bobbly bits on top now than the clearer more blister type tops.

So looks like not shingles :) Sorry you've got it Mosaic, hope you're feeling better soon!

I've also got little Pompholyx like things come up round some of my fingers, little little blisters with a brown down in the centre of some of them and extra brown dots on their own. Had them before. Never asked a Dr about them as they just seem to come and go. My skin really doesn't like me at the moment!
contact dermatitis, ?
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Could be ann, I will have to pay more attention to what I'm coming into contact with though not much different given my life mostly consists of work, eat, sleep!

My GP said she was doing a dermatology referral as I seem to keep coming up in rashes but different rashes, different places...

I did think maybe a sun think though I avoid the sun and a previous rash was also on my thighs (which haven't seen the sun in a looooooong time).

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