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Are you familiar with the Heimlich Manouevre?

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Ann | 01:16 Fri 27th Jan 2012 | Health & Fitness
9 Answers
Could you save someone's life who is choking? The story in the Daily Mail about this poor man who choked in a supermarket reminds me of the day a few years ago when I choked on a tough piece of roast beef while at home. My husband (bless him) who is not medically minded or remotely interested in First Aid, remembered the Heimlich Manouevre from a compulsary First Aid course he had been on at work several years earlier. He saved my life, the piece of meat shot out of my throat, and I am indebted to him. Everyone should know how to do this - who knows when they may need it ...................


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I think First Aid should be taught in schools .........and compulsary too.
I do too. The finer details keep changing (especially regarding CPR) but the basics remain the same. If someone learns it, theyve got it for life.
I seem to have little for life. If I learn something but don't use it regularly, then it fades away. Whilst the knowledge is useful for all, if relying on help being available it's best to have enthusiasts who are going to be involved long time to take control when needed.

Two Texans were having lunch at their favorite restaurant when they noticed a young woman at the next table having trouble breathing.

One of the Texans got up, walked over to her table, took her face in his big Texan hands and said, "Kin ya swaller?" She shook her head 'no.' "Kin ya breathe?" Again she shakes her head 'no.'

The Texan grabs her around the waist with one of his big Texan hands, turns her over, pulls up her skirt, pulls down her panties and licks her right on the bottom!

Of course the young woman was so shocked that she coughed causing the food to dislodge. The big Texan pulls up her panties, pulls down her skirt, turns her right side up, tips his hat and returns to his seat.

His companion is sitting there stunned. "I have never seen anything like that in my whole life!" he says to his heroic friend. The hero replies, "Yeah, I tell ya, that Hind Lick maneuver works every time!"
i remember my mum saving a girl at youth club when i was little. She was choking on a sweet so my mum picked her up, turned her upside down and whacked her on back. Girl puked up sweet. Scared hell out of the girl.
Old geezer -----
Just love it !!!
When my daughter was five she choked on a piece of lamb chop. I did the manoeuvre and it popped out.
Very similar to missprims story 29/11/11
but still funny
Yes I am aware and haven't had to use it. Know somebody who died in New York on a piece of steak lodged in his throat - the General Manager of the Churchill Hotel when it was part of the Loews Group, - just behind Selfridges in Portman Square. There was no one who knew what to do apparently.....what an awful way to go.

There's a lovely story with why Australian sports teams sleep two to a room? Answer - so one can practice the Heimlich manoeuvre when the other chokes......

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Are you familiar with the Heimlich Manouevre?

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