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THECORBYLOON | 23:13 Wed 10th Dec 2008 | Site Suggestions
4 Answers
Why do the folk running AnswerBank keep wanting to add things rather than fix what they have already? Why add profiles and horoscopes for God's sake?

If you knew yir car had faulty brakes, would you spend time re-spraying it and tuning the engine to make it go faster?


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you already know that i agree with you 100%, I have spent too much time on here today just trying to read stuff!!!

I am patiently awaiting my re-instatement, after impatiently emailing the ed for the last dew days.
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you have lost dozens of names doc, i've just had mine auto zapped for technical reasons, not because I (allegedly) broke the Site Rules lol I will eventually be reinstated.

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