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Blueflame | 23:08 Tue 08th Jul 2008 | Site Suggestions
5 Answers
There doesn't seem to be a category for railway related questions. Regards,Paul.


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I asked once about a category for Nostalgia, like old TV programmes etc, and the answer given was to put the question into Chatterbank. You could give it a try, but be warned, at certain times, especially late in the evening, be prepared for daft answers!! Hope this is of some help.
23:11 Tue 08th Jul 2008
I asked once about a category for Nostalgia, like old TV programmes etc, and the answer given was to put the question into Chatterbank. You could give it a try, but be warned, at certain times, especially late in the evening, be prepared for daft answers!! Hope this is of some help.
Here! Here!
Blueflame do you know where I can get the postal codes of every London underground station ?
are you a terrorist Code1? why do you want that information? how many times would you ask this question on here?
As many times as it will take to get an answer !

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