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Editable Posts

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Ctrak | 13:43 Wed 24th Jan 2007 | Site Suggestions
13 Answers
Considering the number of people who make a tpyo, then have to post again correcting themselves, shouldn't posts and questions be able to be edited after they've been posted?

Or would this complicate things? I'm not entirely sure myself, but, well, it's a suggestion.


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i believe you get to preview your question before you post it, therefore they can be checked and if need be, corrected at that point
No you cannot preview before you post a question, and I think it would be a very good idea if we could.
Can't you netty ?

I've just posted an answer that I've had to edit about three times, but normally I admit to being in too much of a hurry and forget to use the Preview and Edit option.
Whether you post a question or an answer there is an oppportunity to preview and edit. Once it is submited that is it. I don't think we should be able to edit or tweak our submitted posts willy nilly.

Anyway, I'd rather see edible posts so that we can all eat our own words. Time for lunch I think.
i completely misread this question, thought it said edible posts. now im disappointed i was going to say milk chocolate flavour thanks.
don't really see the point in previewing.

the content doesn't change - you just see it in a different window!

why not just read it through before hitting the submit button?
It is a good idea joko if you remember to do it.

I type in a rush, so my posts would be mostly all joined up in a heap if I didn't Preview and put a few spaces in!
Well cetti I can't seem to preview a question, but I certainly can preview my answers. Am I missing something - there is no preview button when I wish to submit a q.
Well you should get to a 'has your question already been answered' page with a list of unrelated possibilities which is effectively a preview.

Likewise, I never bother to preview, even if wot i tipe is all rong.
yes but if you are going to preview it in a different window and edit it, why not preview it in the same window and edit it there.

i know what you mean about 'itchy submit finger' but all it does is bring up another window.

its like me writing a letter, taking a polaroid of it and using the polaroid to check for mistakes instead of just looking at the original...a waste of time.
I wouldn't think you would miss it netti , but you've got me wondering now, so I've just had a look.

When you click on Post an Answer, at the bottom right hand are two white boxes on the orange bit (that's techo-speak!) saying - or should say.... preview and submit. Are yours not there?
Yes Cetti that's for posting an answer, not for posting or editing a question.
Oh dear netty, please forgive me, I've got things a bit muddled.
Trying to pack 30+ years of posessions to move next excuse for being terminally daft!!

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