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China Doll | 14:25 Wed 08th Nov 2006 | Site Suggestions
2 Answers
Afternoon Ed,

Wonderful to see Science back where it belongs and lovely to see the 'Question Author' thing but erm.... Could I please draw your attention back to 'Music' over there? <<<

I'm sorry to sound like a whinger but we really do not need all those subsections in Music. Frankly people that are posting for information under 'Gig's' (including myself) are not getting any response at all which I think is actully from people not looking there. We don't need a celebrity gossip section and as for CD's, DVD's etc... questions like that can be asked under the main title.

My suggestion would be that if you want to keep subsections there then perhaps we could just have 'Reviews' which might be quite nice for people considering buying albulms but wanting feedback first and maybe keep 'Gigs' but just don't have so many other subsections.

Cheers for listening.
China xx



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some change seems needed
I agree China Doll I find quite a few questions in the subsections that have never received an answer which surely defeats the point of AB!

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