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Not a question, just wanted to share this with all the good peeps on AB.

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mrs.chappie | 23:24 Sat 03rd Apr 2010 | Animals & Nature
10 Answers
This poem was printed in my local newspaper, written by a very kind person who took in a stray. I found it very touching and wanted to share it with all the good peeps on A & N.

The Final Walk.

I found a clearly abandoned dog in the park,
So gentle and nice, she didn’t know how to bark.

Like a little white lamb dumped in the snow,
She had a tumour in her throat starting to grow.

Almost bind, she could hardly see.
And her white coat was black with fleas.

Bad teeth, blocked glands and a faulty heart,
But straightaway, I knew I couldn’t part.

Out of fear, if I opened the door, she’d flash in,
She later slowed down, that made me grin.

Soon she wouldn’t leave my side,
The savage way she’d been treated, I admit I cried.

She’d follow me around, not once making a sound,
If I said “good girl”, her tail would whirl.

After only a few months, to the lovely vets we had to go,
And it didn’t help that her beautiful gentle eyes were still aglow.

On that horrible final walk, it gave me time to think,
Lots of questions to ask before I signed her fate in ink.

Why do people treat animals in this way?
Is there a God? Will he make them pay?

A question that had me in a spin,
Where does her spirit go after the needle that frees sinks in?

Brave and courageous, precious as a pearl,
Why am I killing this little doggy girl?

Mandy, I’m glad I found you, of that I’m sure,
If it had been 13 years earlier, then I could have loved you more.


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Excellent! Lyrical, moving, poignant, evocative and touching.
Ive got a lump in my throat now : (
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How do monkeyeeyes. (Have I put too many e's in there?)
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It made my eyes water too.
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Aaah, bought tears to my eyes.
A sweet poem. I adopted my psycho dog when he was five years old. I think those first years must have been pretty hard - he could have been a lovely dog. He lived until he was 14 and I still miss him after all the years.
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That was written with feeling, and thats what's at the bottom of our love for our pets ' feelings' I am sure the horrible things we read are done by people who do not possess such emotions.Thanks for the post.g.

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