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horse sitting

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Drisgirl | 19:52 Sat 24th May 2008 | Animals & Nature
6 Answers
can you teach a horse to sit down on command.


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Yes. When I went to see the Spirit of the Horse show there was one scene where there was a 'cowboy' whose horse would lay down and go to sleep with him, and the horse would get hold of the blanket with his mouth and pull it off the cowboy and over himself. He did lots of other tricks and he sat down and laid down although you could not see the command being given. I remember seeing an elderly man with a horse in Epping Forest and the horse would drop his front end down on to his knees so the man could get on his back without having to climb into the saddle.
This link has just been posted on one of my dog groups - makes Frankie Dettori look positively novice!
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This is an imposter -I would appreciate if you would repirt this for me.Thanks x
Reported, Dris!
I have reported also.

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