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Are Some Cats Evil By Nature?

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piggynose | 09:11 Tue 13th Aug 2024 | Animals & Nature
28 Answers

I ask because i have seen 2 dogs in the space of 12 months act as if they had seen a lion!!

First example was a year ago, while sitting ouside a roadside cafe i saw a car pull up, a couple got out with a small dog, they sat at a table ordered something, the dog was under their table, everything seemed ok, then out of the blue a cat appeared, the dog which was off its leash, acted as if it had seen a ghost or lion, it legged it, sadly into the road and got run over. I then saw the car driver get out apologising and the owners picking up this lifeless dog!

Yesterday, whilst out walking near my home, i saw a couple walking their alsation, everything seemed ok, until the next minute the dog started barking and whimpering, when i turned around to see what was all the commotion about, there was a cat with its back arched and growling not meeowing! the owners within seconds ushered their dog away!! who by this time was a whimpering wreck!!!




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I've seen that.  Dogs that are normally fine with cats reacting badly to one.  Can't explain it, maybe the cat is able to signal a threat by body language and vocals not commonly seen in other cats.

Don't think it means they are evil - just that a dog is scared.

All cats are evil.

IMO cats are far from evil, although I don't have any pets where I live now (I still look after families pets whilst their away) I've grown up and as an adult with cats and dogs, Dogs can be dopey and temperamental.

I'd have to do some sums to work out how many in total but only one cat seemed a bit demonic... but he were a bit loopy since a kitten.

Nope not evil in my eyes.


Don't tell Chris cats are evil - you'll get banned ! 😃

Cats are strange animals.  They will take on any animal or person regardless of the size difference.

I understand why people hate cats or fear them.  

The only difference between them and a Tiger is their size, even then a cat can inflict nasty injuries.


And remember that every cat is different, they all have their own individual traits and characters. My current boy always looks annoyed and would swipe my hand given half a chance.  Unlike all my previous cats who were soppy and loved belly rubs.

Maybe the 2 cats you'd seen piggy, had had bad experiences with dogs so were warning them off. Shame about the first one.

I like the change of Avatar wolf.... depicting some AB'ers maybe. 😄

Maybe Wolf63s cat has had a tad too much catnip.

Moderation in all things is important.

The answer is yes, especially the who keeps depositing in our garden 

Cats evil - no!  My Lil cat never feared dogs - she just stood her ground and they backed off.  Funny thing, I have a friend who
would not visit because she hates cats - when I asked her why she said that it was the way they looked at you ....  

no, no animal is evil at all, they are programmed by instinct, evil is a religious term devised by humans to mean describe some people.

Quite TTT, eat or be eaten.

Cats are programmed to look after themselves. 

Some are simply better at it.

Cats are nasty they always seem to go for the eyes.


Been fascinated recently by you tube wildlife documentries. Komodo dragons eating goats alive and hearing their bleating AFTER been swallowed. Aligators eating zebra's alive. Nature is red in tooth and claw. No sugar coating it, humans are just as bad...if not worse...than any other animal on this planet.


A little pussy cat???

Cats are cats.  They do not have concepts of good and evil.

Our current (very nervy /will attack any strange dog no matter how large) small, 15 and a half year old, mongrel terrier, lived very happily with our older cat until she died a few years ago aged 19.

Carts are not evil, they are programmed to feed themselves and theirs and that is what they do. 

A cat is an animal that will do what it wants, when it wants and will never be forced into doing anything we want them to do.

My girl cat, Princess Merlin, lunged at the vet without indicating she was about to do it.  I tried to get between her and the vet.  He was a nice vet (from Greece) and he cleaned and bandaged my wounds.  I had to go to my doctor as the wounds were infected.

They may be small but they are scary when riled.  They swear, growl, hiss etc.

Nailedit - humans and chimps are dangerous animals.  They are my least favourite animals.

For no reason whatsoever, one of my brothers cats were terrified of me.... and litterally leap from his arms trying to get away from me being skitty... he'd see me and panic overload.

Bro with no understanding either but wanted to make sure he was safe with me. just checking him out.

Nowadays Dante just does that padding paw thing on my chest when lying on their sofa... still unsure which of us were evil.


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