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Our Dog πŸ•‍🦺

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Vagus | 16:54 Thu 01st Aug 2024 | Animals & Nature
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Was groomed today and smells a lot better πŸ‘ƒ

We asked the groomer to take his coat really short, which she did, he now looks more like a poodle than a Cockapoo, he's got a pointy face and a buzz cut on top.

He's not coping very well in the heat, not been walked for a few days, even in the morning when it's marginally cooler. He just lies, in the sun🌞getting hotter and hotter, then retreats to his cool pad in the shade for a bit. I wish you could see him right now, flat out in the coolish living room, as soon as one of us moves though, he  follows us and stands there panting.

How does everyone deal with their dogs in this heat? I'm really interested to know.



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Our Dog πŸ•‍🦺

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