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Blockage in cats intestines

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josaphine32 | 12:48 Mon 09th May 2011 | Animals & Nature
29 Answers
I Hope someone can give me some advice, My 20 year old cat had a fit last night, She has never had one before, I took her to the vets this morning and after checking her over, I was told that she has a lump in her small intestines, and that it could either be a tumour which the vet seems to think its not, OR a blockage, she tried to move it but couldn't, I have come home with Katalax and lactulose, and have an appointment booked tomorrow night, as she is old I will not let her be operated on and if she becomes worse then I have to take her back in, She is fine in her self and still active, but is sick if i give her to much food, Is there anything else that i can give her to make her pass it. (food Wise )


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my cat nearly died due to turned out that, as kids, we would just feed it those dried biscuit things because it was easier, we didnt know you were supposed to sprinkle water on them or at least give them extra water to drink...the cat just ate them dry...and got bunged up

if she is not too sore, maybe massaging her tummy, will break up the lump making it easier to pass?
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I hope we can get it to move, Just gave her the stuff the vet gave us and bought so sachets of royal canin renal diet, (She is normally on the dry renal) I will try to massage her tummy later but i will give her time to settle down due to the stress of the car,
Your cat is aged like 120 in human terms.

You have obviously treated her well for her to reach such old age but very soon you need to realise her vital systems are barely coping and you will have to say goodbye before very much longer.
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We know that beso, We wont let her suffer, we are back to the vets tomorrow evening so If it hasn't moved by then we will do what needs to be done, I checked on there cat chart she is 96 years old, And I wouldn't let a 96 year old suffer, She is a good age.
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Best of luck with your cat, josaphine.
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I have a list for Asda and the cream is now on there, along with Tuna in oil
Thanks All
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Sorry to hear this, but glad you have got the best interests of the cat at heart. There's nothing worse than hearing someone say they can't bear to part with an animal, especially when they have given you so many years of pleasure. On a practical level the fish in oil is a good idea. You could also offer her a spoonful of butter to lick.
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Just an update for those who are intrested, I took Jess to the vets at lunch time to talk through having her put to sleep, The vet we saw was a different lady and she was so nice, She checked her all over and said that the obstruction was still there but did not know if it had moved as she had not seen her before,She said that the blockage was not causing much discomfort and some food had passed as she could feel some stools, She said that as she was still bright and walking about that we should still give her abit longer with the laxatives as she had only been on them for 48 hours,

She is back at the vets tomorrow morning so we will see what happens then, If I think at all that she is any worse, I will be taking her straight back in,
Cat's lucky to have you
I hope it all goes ok at the vets today-good luck xxxx
Best wishes
and my best wishes, too xx
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Jessica has been in the vets since 10am, We have just had her Put to sleep as it is a tumor.
Sorry to hear that Josaphine, my cat was put to sleep this week following similar diagnosis (cander in jaw/mouth) x
So sorry to hear your loss. She is at 'Rainbow Bridge' now with many other cats. You gave her a wonderful 20yrs. x
Thinking of you - it really is hard when a furry loved one dies. Think of all the good times - the stupid things that she has done in her lifetime, ;-)

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