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Goldfish in small container !

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fortunecookie | 12:41 Tue 05th Jun 2012 | Pets
17 Answers
Hi, yesterday I offered to look after a neighbours 2 goldfish while they go on holiday. But when they brought them over, I couldnt believe what they were in, It was more like a carrier ! They won them in the fair last week, and bought this container/carrier there.
Poor things obviously havent got much room to swim round, so im looking for somewhere, i can buy something bigger, but at a reasonable price.
Anyone have any ideas ?


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Do you have a wilkinsons near you? they have the cheap bowls.
12:45 Tue 05th Jun 2012
A mixing bowl is the smallest size container for one fish, let alone two. The one they bought at the fair is probably only to carry them home in.

Actually I thought that live prizes at fairs had been outlawed.....
I'm assuming they're only small yet? So a two gallon tank will do for now, but obviously, as they grow (if they live long enough!) they'll need a bigger one. Think it roughly works out that you need a gallon per inch of fish.
Do you have a wilkinsons near you? they have the cheap bowls.
do not buy that horrible horrible starter kit thing from Wilkinsons, it's totally unsuitable!
Not even to put them on untill the owners of the fish come back?
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I know, defintely should be outlawed, people just have no idea how to look after them. That is why they live such short lives.
I had one when i was 10, that lived for years, it was well looked after in a proper size tank.
Going to look for one tomorrow, but will be out of pocket because they wont give me the money for it.
Thanks for replying.
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Thanks, yes we have a Wilkinsons in the city centre, just looked online, they are reasonable.They have got to be better then what they are in now.
Might even go and get it now.
Thanks all.
My goldfish is currently 15+ and still going strong :-)
I agree with boxtops - I too thought that live prizes had been outlawed.
Have to Google it later.
Do you know anyone with a pond? Put them in there and tell you neighbour they died!

Lisa x
Sadly, it's not illegal, but like others on here, I thought it was. I checked on Google.

Love divegirl's answer.
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Got the fish, a new tank, hopefully they will be o.k. Thank you for all the advice. Especially Katdarn79 about going to Wilkinsons.
Well done for looking after them! The problem is, goldies are notoriously bad waste producers and need good filtration....
oppps posted too soon!

I was there was a way to pm on here....I have some really good filters that I could send you for free!!!!

Lisa x
Good, glad you got sorted!! xx
Good on you fortune x

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