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edf energy advert...

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chr1stina | 22:57 Sun 05th Apr 2009 | Adverts
6 Answers
does anyone know the music from the new edf energy advert??
my mom said mud are shown @ the end but she doesnt knw if the song is by them
the words are something like its beautiful .....

thanks in advance!!x


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oooooo thanks very much!!

think posted tht question twice -- whoops

thanks again xxx
Yes it's Mud with the late Les Gray as lead singer
The picture is Mud but I don't think it's them singing.
Sussed it!

It�s being sung and played by a session band that has recorded the song especially for the EDF ad.

They do sound a lot like the 70s band MUD but it's not them singing!

If you go to the You Tube link below you will see Mud performing one of their hits "The Cat Crept In"

At around 1.59 seconds. into the song you will see that this is the part used on the ad. 1

I think that EDF should release this as a single! Great stuff .
Weirder things have happened!

I hope this is of some help.
Ooops sorry the song is "Tiger Feet"

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