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Mri Scans

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Khandro | 15:23 Mon 10th Aug 2015 | Health & Fitness
5 Answers
I have suffered a chronic ankle sprain for several months and have had it x-rayed which, apart from confirming it isn't arthritis, didn't pin-point exactly where the problem lies.
I'm now going to have an MRI scan. My question is; will I have to go completely into the machine or can the ankle be scanned separately?


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Separately? As in, removed?
They will stick your legs into the machine
and you will be out of it

it is really only the MRI scans of the head where you can your head jammed into a sardine tin with your ears creased and out of positiion
and then whole lot is sealed into one of those Bartlett Pear Halves tin

oh and blimey the itch on my nose drove me mad ....
No, only the ankle and lower leg will be scanned inside the tube.
Question Author
Thanks, that's reassuring. I'm sure I could handle the situation, but I'd rather go in feet first.
Better than going out feet first ;-)

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