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Uninstall A Program Please...

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janzman | 11:43 Sat 30th May 2015 | Computers
5 Answers
..I'm trying (and failing) to uninstall in Windows 7 Premium..I've gone to control panel and highlighted the prog I want to remove and clicked 'uninstall'.
Then I get 'Please close all windows in Google Chrome'or'Wait until current program has finished uninstalling or being changed' BUT there are no other windows open or programs running not according to 'Task Master'. Can someone help me solve this problem. I run Chrome and IE9.


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Open Chrome and sign out, if you are signed in. Exit using the 'hotdog' drop down menu top right, click 'exit'. Then open the task manager and close every instance of Chrome that you can find, then go through the uninstall process.
11:53 Sat 30th May 2015
What program are you trying to uninstall?
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Sorry...Google Chrome, it isn't running the way it did so I thought to uninstall it and then re-install it again.
Open Chrome and sign out, if you are signed in. Exit using the 'hotdog' drop down menu top right, click 'exit'.
Then open the task manager and close every instance of Chrome that you can find, then go through the uninstall process.

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hc4361....many thanks indeed, did as suggested and it worked a treat, now to reinstall program.

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Uninstall A Program Please...

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