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Help! I Think I Cheated...

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Ella441 | 22:30 Fri 22nd May 2015 | Jobs & Education
14 Answers
Hey, so on monday we get back our test results for our maths topic test. During the test the teacher gave us each a piece of scrap paper. during the test my friend and I were discussing answers. ( I know this is cheating.) ( we were writing notes on the scrap paper) at the end of the test the teacher collected in the scrap paper! (we didn't know he would collect them...) My parents have very high expecetations for me and if i didnt get a merit or excellence they would be really mad. so I though this would be my best option( I know now its not) I'm freaking out because if he reads the scrap paper we are gonna be in big trouble. What do I do? Do I confess? Do I deny? What are the consquences if we get caught? Please no hate. I know i did the wrong thing. Thanks if you read this whole thing. Sorrry for my grammar mistakes im in a rush. thanks so much guys x


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Wait and see if you get pulled upon it. I'm not that impressed with a teacher that doesn't notice the passing of notes while invigilating a test mind. You must have known you could get away with it.
It's really between you and your conscience, we can only opine, but you've said it all already.

As for the consequences, that's up to the college.
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Hi prudie, thanks. yeah I did think I could get away with it as I didnt know he would collect the scarp paper.
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hey canary, thanks for that x
When I was at school, I sat next to someone who I thought was copying my answers - if I crossed something out, so did he. I wasn't cheating but he was copying - and the teacher thought we'd been collaborating so marked us both down. It didn't happen again but I still remember it.
The teacher will probably throw all the scrap paper notes in the waste paper bin and not even look at them.
...or he might not, if he thinks people are cheating and wanted some proof - it might be someone else in the class he's looking out for.
Mmmmm, maybe boxy.
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Hm... thanks a lot guys x
I was once reading out mental Maths questions and I could see the boy at the front was copying the answers as I wrote them down, so I wrote all the wrong answers. His face was a picture when I read out the right answers!
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I really do hope so x
Sometimes it's a hard way to learn, ella, not to do it again!

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