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Clothes Bags (?)

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Khandro | 15:04 Fri 10th Apr 2015 | Shopping & Style
10 Answers
There are strong plastic bags used in the garment industry, the ones I have seen in the past were made from a black vinyl type material, they are long enough to put inside a ladies dress or a man's overcoat on a coat hanger and have a full-length zip and can then be hung on a rail.
What are they called please, and where can you buy them?


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Maybe a luggage or travel site?
Suit Carrier bags
Argos, M&S
Amazon seem to have some good ones.....Suit/Skirt Carrier....longer length ones too.

Clicked on this a couple of minutes ago, just to check it out,
I just had to Google 'Lingerie' to get rid of all the Targetted Adverts that had appeared for plastic clothes bags!
I got a load from ikea, but it was a while ago.
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Thanks all. I got what I wanted from an Amazon ad which came on my screen. I wanted extra-long for a long very expensive cashmere overcoat I'm putting away, and there have been clothes moths seen aboot the hoose.
Then put some of those Cedar moth repellent balls in too, K......MrG stored his coat in one for the summer and moths found their way in.
^ She beat me to it again, camphor balls.
I saw them at the dollar store, so if you're looking for cheap ones, I would recommend those (~$2).

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Clothes Bags (?)

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