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Are We Paying Too Much In Benefits?

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naomi24 | 08:36 Thu 05th Mar 2015 | News
64 Answers
This woman can’t work and is on incapacity benefit, but nevertheless has paid for multiple trips to Tunisia and can afford to send her husband money which he passes on to his family.

(Don't want to sound like a kill joy, but I can’t help thinking that whether this man is eventually allowed to come here or not this marriage is doomed to failure).


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> Are we paying too much in benefits?

Many people on benefits are deserving recipients. The two big problems with any benefits system are ...

1) some people who it's designed to benefit fail to benefit from it
2) some scrounger types will work out how to diddle it in their favour when they don't deserve to benefit from it

The trick is always to keep both types of problems to a minimum, so that the genuinely needy who the benefits are designed to assist actually are assisted. Then we can feel good about paying our taxes to pay these benefits.
I am not sure if marrying a muslim is the way

toy-boy night clubbing happiness ....
Yes. About £13 billion too much in fact (at least).

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Are We Paying Too Much In Benefits?

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