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Sunday Times Prize Crossword 4616 Sunday November 16Th 2014

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mercedita | 20:49 Sun 16th Nov 2014 | Crosswords
10 Answers
26A: 5 new chess players feature in short tale of adventure (9)
8D Beer in these tins starts to escape violently (6)
17D Female journalist swallows speed of the same strength (8)
I'm sorry but I have more but I'm hoping if you can help me with these, I can finish it on my own. And I thought it was easy when I started!


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Confident Steins Unabated
20:50 Sun 16th Nov 2014
26a confident
17d una bat ed
8d steins
Question Author
Thank you Scorpiojo and Roslyn. Please can you explain how you got "confident" for 26A?
FIDE _ Chess governing body


Cont(e) - Conte - adventure story
Confident = certain
I don't see the definition- or does the CERTAIN come from 5, scorpiojo/Mayalynne?
Yes, 5d is certain
5 Is Certain ,yes.
Question Author
Gosh! Thanks! I'll now try & finish the rest on my own. Cross fingers! :-)

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Sunday Times Prize Crossword 4616 Sunday November 16Th 2014

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