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Oral Thrush

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queenofmean | 13:40 Thu 13th Jul 2017 | Body & Soul
11 Answers
I was given an antibiotic (Nystatin) last week for this but hasn't worked.

Is there anything else I can try - perhaps over the counter or homemade remedies before I go back to the GP.

I really want to claw my tongue out or claw at it all the time.

Thank you :)


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Some tips here, not something I've suffered with Queenie.
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Thank you Mamya...will choose a few and give them a whirl!

It's not something I'd wish upon anyone. It's horrible
I can imagine, good luck.
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Thank you :)

Queenie - are you any better today - I would say it is an awful thing to have in your mouth cos I know with having ulcers from partial dentures are so uncomfortable.

Try Tea Tree Oil of course diluted with tepid water. It seems to be good for everything and of course Gness thinks it is great.
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Hi Jennyjoan

I'm not too bad today...things seem to be settling.

I tried the salt scrub on the tongue last night and it feels better so I'll try that for now.

Love Tea Tree oil though - not quite brave enough to taste it yet.
sista used it when she thought she was having an abcess in her tooth - it disappeared.
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I'll keep it in mind :)
yup canesten and daktarin are available over the counter
prod your GP toward miconazole/fluconazole

had it when I was on pred for chemo - and didnt put up with it as long as you did !
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PP I went and got some Daktarin today as heaven knows when I'd get to see my GP.

It's easing but it's taking its own sweet time though.
Fluconazole will sort it in 24/36 hours. It's good to keep in just in case of another flare up.

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Oral Thrush

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