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How Can I Access Hotmail Account

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needawin | 18:48 Thu 05th May 2016 | Technology
5 Answers
Hotmail account.
Can't get into my hotmail account since the change over.
Have it ok on my iPad as its never closed but can't get in anywhere else as forget password.
Problem is I had 2 different accounts. One for competitions and the like and the other for normal use.
As I said the normal use one is OK on the iPad.
The competition one has not been used by me in years.
I have gone on to and tried getting in by using my email account (normal) and going through the forgotten password route.
Problem is it is always referring to my unused account to send the change of password details. I have no interest in this account, also forget password for it and have since had a change of mobile number.
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Plain language please!


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You need to set up another email account and get the reset password code sent to that. I had the same problem so I set up a Google mail account just to get a code.
19:21 Thu 05th May 2016
You need to set up another email account and get the reset password code sent to that. I had the same problem so I set up a Google mail account just to get a code.
Create another email address. (I suggest here: ).

Go here:

Scroll down to 'Method 2'. Follow it, using the 'I don't have any of these' option and providing your newly-created email address as a contact point.

Once you've got a new password you'll need to change your iPad settings to use it:
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Finally got round to doing it and successful. EDDIE51 was the simplest for a person like me. Many thanks to you both for replying.
Outlook is down at the moment needawin, so if you are currently trying you won't get logged in anyway.
I thought it was general practice if you didnt use an account for a year they deleted it.

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