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Sweets And Chocolates

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Rosizzoli | 12:29 Tue 08th Apr 2014 | Quizzes & Puzzles
12 Answers
Stuck for answers on Sweets and Chocolates quiz.
1. Noisy insect
2. Sweet tooth cleaner
3. Frankie Vaughan wanted this

Can anyone help please.


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2. candy floss
12:38 Tue 08th Apr 2014
3 moonlight
Chocolate toothpaste?
1. Humbug
2. candy floss
Candy floss. Of course!
Tilly, a great treat in my youth was candy floss at the entrance to the pier at Weston-super-Mare, whilst on the Sunday School annual outing!
Well, once a year didn't harm your teeth, fred.
I remember that, Fred, you could buy the candy floss without having to pay to go on the pier.
Right, Frank, and then just along the pier were those "What the butler saw" machines; but the greatest thrill was the ghost train!
Going back a bit too far for me with the "what the butler saw machines", 1970s is as far back as I remember it.
This was in the 50's. That dates me!
I didn't look at the 'What the Butler Saw.' machines. I was a good girl!

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Sweets And Chocolates

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