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Alternatives To Plastic Strapping For Packaging

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purplelily | 05:24 Sun 22nd Mar 2015 | Home & Garden
5 Answers
Hi, hope someone can help.

I need to send an 83kg parcel back to a company - it's a treadmill that I've re-boxed.

When it was delivered, it had strong plastic straps on them, holding the box together. Obviously I had to cut these off, so I can't re-use them.

I've looked at buying these straps, but I'd need to buy the strapping and a tool to secure it, both of which are expensive.

I wondered whether there were any alternatives I could maybe use? I don't mind spending some money on it. I'm picturing something like a long fabric strap that 'folds back' on itself through a buckle - or anything, really! Each strap would need to be at least 2.5m long though, to fit around the box.

It's really just so any courier I use can move it easily to and from their van.

Thanks, all!


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Cheap poly rope, available from most hardware shops.
You made need a "boy scout" to help with the knots ;-)
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Morning 1ozzy. Wow, I wasn't expecting such a quick answer, thanks!

I'm actually kicking myself now because I know just the stuff you mean - my Dad has loads of it, and he's a knot guru! And I was just at their house today (well, yesterday now), doh!

Thanks so much, have a great day!
You have a great day too ;-)
A roll of parcel tape will do the job quickly and easily. It's very strong and is available almost anywhere. It comes in various widths, the 3" is probably your best bet. I use it often.
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