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Starting exercise (it has been a while!!)

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shivvy | 01:16 Tue 06th Feb 2007 | Body & Soul
3 Answers
I want to do a bit of exercise to get into better shape and loose a bit of weight. I couldnt be less interested in going to a gym and want to exercise at home. I also dont want to jog or run. I have a stepper and a cross trainer.

I havent exercised for a long time and will need to build up pretty gradually. What does anyone suggest as a bit of a routine? Also, how do I know if I am exercising 'well' ie do I need to be sweating, out of breath etc and if so, for how long?
Are there any other bits of equipment that I should consider?


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Buy a drum kit ...the pounds will sweat off in no time
Abonimal roller, about �6 from Argos
Abdominal even....

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Starting exercise (it has been a while!!)

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