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Small Claims Court

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Bonkers123 | 18:59 Mon 13th Jul 2015 | Civil
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My ex is taking me to court for £7000.00 .I am beside myself after all that he has put me through .He has been convicted of breaching a non molest and recieved a suspended sentence ,a fine and a restraining order was once again put in place .I am now to attend The royal courts of Justice as i refused mediation to settle this ...that is what a restraining order is for ..i don't ever want to see him again ! When i met him he could not do enough ..but that soon turned into abuse and i was often beaten and mentally abused.I lost my job and suddenly i was at his mercy .I lost my job through him btw ...but anyhow he supported me financially and thrived on it .Never in my life have i relied on anyone ,i had a super job and career and suddenly it was all gone .My rent was behind and i was threatened with eviction ...No problem he said ,i will pay it if you put me on the tenancy and we live legally together in my lovely 3 bedroom home a fool i agreed .He moved in and things went downhill rapidly ! I was isolated ,my friends were not allowed in my home ,his temper was out of control as was his jealousy ..and it led to a lot of abuse .I eventually left him ,or threw him out ,and he emptied my house of everything clothes ,my shoes and boots etc ,my tv ...the lot .Long and short of it ..he beat me ,he sexually abused me and was eventually convicted .But now this ...he wants the money back he paid for the rent over a period of 3 years ...i also found out that when he left he had not paid the rent for over three months children would give him 500 each ..and he simply pocketed this money ! ...I do not want to see him in court ,i am terrified ,i cannot afford a solicitor as i am still on benefits unable to work ...what can i do ? I am terrified of seeing him ..he is still trying to control me ........


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You'll have to attend it doesn't mean he will win. He was paying rent for a house he lived in which he would have had to have paid if he lived there alone. Take all paper work regarding the police with you and statements from the kids. Hopefully this will be judged as another form of bullying.
07:59 Tue 14th Jul 2015
You'll have to attend it doesn't mean he will win.

He was paying rent for a house he lived in which he would have had to have paid if he lived there alone.

Take all paper work regarding the police with you and statements from the kids. Hopefully this will be judged as another form of bullying.
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Can i ask for a screen ? Thank you for helping .

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