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Face Ache

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ruthandsam | 16:22 Tue 23rd Sep 2014 | Body & Soul
26 Answers
Ahhhhh, *** ear ache, neck ache and swollen gums with two abscesses under several teeth. Please anyone, any ideas to ease the pain. On second lot of antibiotics...............moan over


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Ibuprofen 600mgms every 4 hours if necessary.
16:35 Tue 23rd Sep 2014
Oh R & S. I feel your pain. Hope you feel better soon. xx
cheap whisky.
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Oh, thank you so much janbee. Your reply really lifted my spirits.................xx
A bottle of vodka, a straw and off you go. It won't ease the pain, but your hangover will be so bad, you won't notice the original problems so much.
Ignore my second cheeky post. I REALLY do feel great sympathy and empathy with your plight. I had a similar problem a couple of years ago and I was in agony. xx
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Well, to be honest I just might as well try it. At least I will be smiling for a while....................xx
You have my sympathies too, got the T-sirt for dealing with teeth abscesses. Apart from the strongest painkillers you can get other things that have helped me are clove-oil, massaging with an electric toothbrush, hot water bottle to the face and copious amounts of Baileys, which I don't normally drink but find it very soothing .
Ibuprofen 600mgms every 4 hours if necessary.
I went to my Dentist yesterday with a gum infection following an extraction - he recommended Neurofen Plus (because it contains Codeine) together with Paracetamol - two tablets of each three or four times a day.

Actually, he gave me a prescription for antibiotics but recommended I try the pain relief method for a couple of days and then only go for the antibiotics if this wasn't working. But I thought 'buggar that' and started on the antibiotics immediately!

It feels a lot better after only a day and a half!
I tend to use ibuprofen for dental pain, Tramadol work well too but not everyone has access to those.
I've had 2 gum abscesses this year - for me Cocodamol alternated with Ibuprofen and swishing Vodka around helped until the Antibiotics kicked in.
Agree with ibuprofen.
When I had the same problem I was taking " 2 paracetamol every four hours and 400 mgms Ibuprofen every four hours with 2 hours apart from the paracetamol, So you are taking one or the other every two hours. that stops any breakthrough pain when the next dose is becoming due.
Co-dydramol and acupuncture x
if one sort of antibiotic doesn't work, another might. Until then, strong painkillers - I'm not sure if dentists can prescribe cocodamol or if you have to try your GP.

Vodka... hmmm, well, depends if the hangover is worse than the gum pain.
You can get cococodamol over the counter at the chemists - ask for paracetamol and codeine, not a problem.
love the idea of cococodamol, is that extra strength, boxy? And seriously, is it available over the counter? It used not to be.
For toothache and absess pain you can buy a numbing liquid over the counter at chemists. Ithink it's called anbesol or something similar.
Jno, you can buy OTC cocodamol normal or cocodamol extra. Usually a box of 24 or 36 of either is less than a fiver. It's my preferred painkiller.

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