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Flucloxacillin - Empty stomach/Alcohol

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R1Geezer | 10:53 Sun 31st Jul 2011 | Body & Soul
12 Answers
OK I've picked up an infection and I have been prescribed the above. The Chemist was quite clear that they need to be taken on an empty stomach so that's what I'm doing. I was curious though as he said you don't have to abstain completely so to me that's a double whammy of no nos! I always thought you should take tablets with food and that antibiotics and booze don't mix so can someone explain please, thanks, Sqad, you about?


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Hi R1

To me, it is no big deal......but to the "perfectionists" it is ;-)

Nothing wrong in taking alcohol, in moderation, with alcohol.

Flucloxacillin is almost completely absorbed in the upper G I tract (stomach and duodenum), so if the stomach is empty, then absorption of the drug is not impaired.
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great thanks sqad.
Sorry...should have read : " nothing wrong in taking antibiotics, in moderation with antibiotics"
LOL LOL should have read " Nothing wrong in taking alcohol, in moderation, with antibiotics.
tis all this talk of alcohol sqad
carmalee.....LOL....I don't drink....well single malt now and then ;-)
WARNING: Some antibiotics should definitely NOT be taken with alcohol.

Sorry I can't remember which ones. Howevever I did check up about one my wife was taking last year and it turned out that it produced nasty compounds with alcohol metabolites.
I absolutely wouldn't recommend taking this antibiotic with alcohol:

I was prescribed this when I had gingivitis and thought the warnings were the usual 'erring on the safe side'.I couldn't have been more wrong , I had a few glasses of wine and I suffered really badly with sickness.Never again.I was so taken aback,despite stupidly ignoring the warnings,that an antibiotic could be so strong I haven't taken it since.I have gotten along just fine with my more familiar antibiotics.
Apologies my link didn't appear to work:
Despite the internet links, there is no scientific evidence to suggest an adverse reaction to alcohol with antibiotics and that includes Metronidozole.

Breeze, in my opinion your reaction was due to an adverse reaction to the drug and nothing to do with alcohol.

In your the section on "Interaction with Alcohol" denies an association.
It likely was, as i'm sensitive to certain drugs Sqad.

I thought i'd post the link, more in response to besos' post, I wouldnt like to scaremonger.

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