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Very Painful Thumb

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lidlicker | 13:41 Sat 03rd Jan 2015 | Health & Fitness
14 Answers
I am right handed, but my left thumb is very painful. It hurts at the very bottom on the 'fleshy' part and the joint hurts too. It even hurts during the
night and wakes me up.
Do I put this down to old age and accept it, or is there anything I could put on it. I don't like to trouble the doctor with it.


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I get this sometimes too. It's arthritis in my case. It can be very painful
No.........nothing sinister springs to mind..........can't think of a better diagnosis than janbee.

Will give it some thought whilst watching TV.
Hi Dr Sqad, how are you ? HNY by the way xx
LOL...thanks janbee ...and to you too.

Not too bad.......ageing.
Ah, but in your case Dr S, you are ageing with style and class and dignity !! Me?, I'm just getting OLD! Nothing classy or stylish about that.
LOL....a bit of rough eh?

I always relished a "bit of rough"..............;-)
Have I stumbled into CB??
Just had a an outsider.........carpal tunnel syndrome (nerve compression at the wrist)

Monitor the situation for the next few weeks and if there is no improvement..see you GP.
Another thought....are you having tablets for underactive thyroid or Type 2 diabetes?
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Thanks very much Sqad, I take 150 micrograms Levothyroxine daily. Is there any connection?
Yes....there may well be.

Carpal tunnel syndrome is common in patient's with thyroid problems.

Still give it another 3 weeks.

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Thank you for taking the time to reply Sqad. I shall see how it goes and then maybe a visit to the docs may be on. Thanks again.
I had a similar pain in left thumb around joint which UTC Registrar said was tenosynovitus (hope that's the right spelling) resting it, anti-inflammatory and deep heat cream or deep freeze spray eased it. hope that helps
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Thanks kit cat, wonder if that what it is? will go to doctor if doesn't improve.

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Very Painful Thumb

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