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Can David Beckham really win over the USA?

David Beckham has made a typically dramatic entrance in his bid to win over America. Can he really win over a country that doesn't really care about football?

Results ★

He's just there as a publicity stunt for short term profits. Football will still be a minor sport in the USA when he retires
Brand Beckham will get more people in the grounds each game, but there wont be a huge difference.
He is a big name in Europe, but not really in the USA, so his impact won't be great
Yes Beckham will raise the profile of the game and get it up there with Baseball and American Football

David Beckham has made a typically dramatic entrance in his bid to win over America. Can he really win over a country that doesn't really care about football?

Total: 13
A.He's just there as a publicity stunt for short term profits. Football will still be a minor sport in the USA when he retires53.85 %7
B.Brand Beckham will get more people in the grounds each game, but there wont be a huge difference.30.77 %4
C.He is a big name in Europe, but not really in the USA, so his impact won't be great15.38 %2
D.Yes Beckham will raise the profile of the game and get it up there with Baseball and American Football0.00 %0
Stats until: 10:15 Mon 03rd Jun 2024 (Refreshed every 5 minutes)