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Has Remembrance Day lost its meaning?

Remembrance Day is coming up and soon the familiar poppies will be available. Has Remembrance Day lost its meaning? Do people still appreciate what it represents?

Results ★

The poppies may have lost some of their significance but most people do still care.
It is something that is still at the front of people's minds. The fact that so many poppies are bought each year proves that people are still grateful.
Some people just wear the poppies without really knowing what it is they're commemorating. More should be done to acknowledge its significance and increase awareness.
Most people today just don't understand what it represents. It's become a meaningless day, which doesn't do justice to the men who died.

Remembrance Day is coming up and soon the familiar poppies will be available. Has Remembrance Day lost its meaning? Do people still appreciate what it represents?

Total: 1002
A.The poppies may have lost some of their significance but most people do still care.37.52 %376
B.It is something that is still at the front of people's minds. The fact that so many poppies are bought each year proves that people are still grateful.26.75 %268
C.Some people just wear the poppies without really knowing what it is they're commemorating. More should be done to acknowledge its significance and increase awareness.22.65 %227
D.Most people today just don't understand what it represents. It's become a meaningless day, which doesn't do justice to the men who died.13.07 %131
Stats until: 17:36 Mon 03rd Jun 2024 (Refreshed every 5 minutes)