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Welcome to Body & Soul: for Health, Healing and Help!

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Dark Angel
Has anyone actually met the hugging saint of India, Sri Mata Amritaanadamayi the woman in white who hugs people irrespective of colour, creed or caste? She was once featured on a TV...
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who is the stig on bbc top gear
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How do I get rid of telemarketers? Please call me and tell me the answer 416 657 2693 Thank you. First person to tell me the answer receives $50.
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Can you die from cracking your knuckels? How do you stop if it is a habbit?
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I'm doing ICT first diploma. I know that it replaces the gnvq level. What is the first diploma in ICT equilevant to in GCSE grades????????????? Thanks , any replies would be greatly appreciated!
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I want to know if anyone else has problems going to the toilet on a plane. Even though i get more and more desperate I still cant go. I dont know what to do about it .
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I have been with my boyfriend for 2 1/2 years and I cheated on him quite a few times with this guy I had a major crush on last year. I never told him and I really don't want to lose him. I have now...
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I am 26 and never had an orgasm, Whats wrong with me my partner and I are both attracted to each other I cant understand why I have not had one?
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Do all black people of afro-carribean descent have afro hair?
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I was attacked on Friday night in the toilet of a nightclub. When my friend and i entered the toilets they were empty. However as soon as i opened the cubicle door to go back out into the club a girl...
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I am a 28 year old happily married man. Every few months or so I have a vivid dream about a girl I used to be friends with at school. There was nothing between us or so I thought at the time. But I...
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i have an extremely long penis. so long my girlfriend gags on it. im so worried that she might die from it, is there anything i can do?
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I have constant diahorroea.  How can i stop it other than keep on taking tablets?
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What is hello and how r u in japanese? Thanks
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i have to have a second cholesteatoma operation. what are the chances that it has returned and if so what are the chances of it occuring a third time
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iv recently baught a VIDAL SASSOON glass plated ceramic straightner, i heard that its better than the ceramic plated straightners as the glass is more smooth and easier to glide through the hair, and...
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Does anyone out there know of any bariatric support groups in Northern Ireland?
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how many hairs are on a human head
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Just testing folks, sorry!!  
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where does at go when you lose weight?

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