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‘If I am reelected as Prime Minister on July 5, these flights will go.’ – Rishi Sunak So should we take that as a double no ?
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Saw rhumatology this morning. Got poked and prodded a lot and examined and went through a lot of stuff. She's having a load of blood tests done - for lupus, antibodies and immune stuff and other...
Honestly, this website has sort of taught me something. People do like helping. People aren't all trying to screw you over. People don't want you to suffer.   From this realisation, I will hopefully... ...
does shaving hair prevent hair loss
I work for a commercial  cleaning company and my co worker has autism. I drive us around from site to site. Like two months ago my car was leaking oil, so I took it to the mechanic. My boss let me... ...
I say yes, because plastic takes thousands of years to decompose, and a lot of animals are bound to eat those pellets and die a horrible death  
I have been seeing a guy for 18 months. Both early 60's. Straight from the off he inundated me with presents. We mainly see each other at weekends, he stays at mine as he lives in his sons house... ...
I know a couple people who are trump supporters, and I actually enjoy their company, because they don't let who they support make up their entire personality. My dad is Also a trump supporter, but... ...
I voted for biden in 2020, and I was gonna vote for him again, but my mom told me if I vote Democrat then she'll kick me out. She said she wouldn't let me vote for biden. Idk how she plans on... ...
I just found out that I don't possess the freehold on my property, it belongs to another home owner on the same road! Is this unusual?
Just wondering if anyone has every come across this situation before? My mother had a small fence at the bottom of her driveway which adjoined another neighbours land which was laid to lawn. She did... ...
I watched this and was horrified how he got away with things for so long. One thing I can't understand is why they didn't use DNA to prove who he is.  A very unsettling programme.  He's back on... ...
Have you ever been embarrassed when collecting your medication, with the pharmacist openly discussing your private medical condition, within earshot of others? Can you identify your own predicament in...
There is a tide in the affairs of men. Which, taken at the flood, leads on to fortune. Should Farage throw his hat into the ring and run for a seat in parliament? He'll never have a better... ...
Too many migrants,high interest rates, and very poor polls for  the Tories. Is This the real reason why Richi has called for a General election. When only a few days ago he was bragging that he... ...
The tinned kind, that is - not the dodgy elecronic stuff. I'm checking through my small 'emergency' stock of food in the garage (power cuts, snowed in etc..) and this tin has passed its use by date... ...
What party hold it now? Is that likely to change? How are you going to vote? Mine is one of the safest Tory seats, unlikely to change hands, I'll vote Tory.
I am 71 years old and need to update my mobile phone unfortunately.I hate technology.Can anybody recommend a smartphone that is easy to use? Many thanks.
...on tinterweb. I search for AB but "Sorry, we are not able to find any results". I also get the same for email. However, typing in the full web address takes me to these sites. Is there... ... ...

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