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Galloway or Thice. 
Workers party or Reform party.  
Left or right. Both intend to contest hundreds of seats. Worker met party have one MP and Reform have none. What do you reckon will be the tally on... ...
Almost a bubble car - the steering wheel isn't attached the door.  I suppose it would be okay for driving a few miles to work and back every day but I wouldn't feel safe in... ...
The uspect - Nasen Saadi - who is from Croydon in south London, has been charged with murder and attempted murder. Yest again it looks like somone from outside the area murdering people on our... ...
I personally don't understand how anyone could support him.
As far as I know I didn't do anything illegal.  I posted a topic about whether any Black Sabbath fans here liked the Tony Martin era.    And I put a link on to his era on Spotify which is a legal... ...
How long after there has been weedkiller sprayed around garden can you go in and remove them by hand safely? I don't know much about weedkiller or gardening, but I would imagine you don't want it... ...
I never knew that it can cause such a nasty reaction (or even a mild... ...
Where do they get these noisy people from?
So How about "We are the Champions" by Queen . Unstoppable by Sia.or What a Wonderful World .            Or maybe Walking on Sunshine . Anyone have any other Suggestions for a rousing tune or song... ...
And as i typed the header, i realised that i had stated that yesterday was the first of the month in the 'Friday Punt' thread. My apologies if it confused anyone. Two races from Musselburgh support... ...
The winner needs 326 seats.   
Please state the party you expect to win followed by 3 digits. Labour 324 seats.
This is amazing, the very definition of bitter-sweet. I adored it then and now, I had a massive crush on Wendy Craig, her voice, and her eyes, and look out for a pre-Rodney Nicholas Lyndhurst. Not... ...
A friend is renting a flat and the abroad landlord is arranging through  He has viewed the flat, and paid the deposit and advance rent via The landlord is not returning... ...
We reverted to Friday fish today and very nice it was battered cod fillet from Sainsbury's. A few fries and some peas, tartar sauce  or hollandaise sauce, very tasty. I may buy some tuna... ...
How do I save a friend's Facebook video to my photo gallery? My phone is only giving me the option to share or copy link
Just watched it for first time in years. Who is the so called comedian with autism? Rubbish, if I dare say so.
I'm stuck with what to have for lunch and dinner but don't know if it a bad thing
the other day my laptop - dell precision M6800 - stopped working. i started it up & i got a few seconds of the fans starting up etc, then nothing, i just stopped. so all that happens now, with the... ...
If they were ground using a mortar and pestle would they retain all their nutritional value?
Cheapest place to buy please.

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